Miracle Surrogacy - Where Miracles Are Delivered

Surrogacy is 100% legal in mexico

Surrogacy in Mexico is 100 percent legal.  In 2021, the Supreme Court of Mexico ruled that having children is a human right, even via surrogacy. Miracle Surrogacy has had hundreds of babies through its surrogacy programs in Mexico.

Surrogacy is 100% legal in mexico

Surrogacy in Mexico is 100 percent legal.  In 2021, the Supreme Court of Mexico ruled that having children is a human right, even via surrogacy. Miracle Surrogacy has had hundreds of babies through its surrogacy programs in Mexico.

your names on the birth certificate

Intended parents with Miracle Surrogacy will receive their babies’ birth certificates in their names only (surrogates’ names will not be on the birth certificate and will have no parental rights). Miracle Surrogacy is the only angency in Mexico that includes all of your legal fees for free.

your names on the birth certificate

Intended parents with Miracle Surrogacy will receive their babies’ birth certificates in their names only (surrogates’ names will not be on the birth certificate and will have no parental rights). Miracle Surrogacy is the only angency in Mexico that includes all of your legal fees for free.

Affordable – 1/3 the Cost of Surrogacy in the USA

The cost of surrogacy in Mexico with Miracle Surrogacy starts at $52,800 USD (including baby delivery, surrogate, medical procedures—everything you need to have your little Miracle—for intended parents who already have their own embryos). We also have surrogacy programs with egg donors, and also programs for couples who don’t need an egg donor, i.e. self-cycle surrogacy programs.

Affordable – 1/3 the Cost of Surrogacy in the USA

The cost of surrogacy in Mexico with Miracle Surrogacy starts at $55,800 USD (including baby delivery, surrogate, medical procedures—everything you need to have your little Miracle—for intended parents who already have their own embryos). We also have surrogacy programs with egg donors, and also programs for couples who don’t need an egg donor, i.e. self-cycle surrogacy programs.

surrogate match & embryo transfer in 8 – 10 weeks

We are the ONLY agency in Mexico with a surplus of fully screened surrogates. That means that the intended parents’ match with a surrogate and embryo transfer take place within 8 to 10 weeks of the embryos being ready.

surrogate match & embryo transfer in 8 – 10 weeks

We are the ONLY agency in Mexico with a surplus of fully screened surrogates. That means that the intended parents’ match with a surrogate and embryo transfer take place within 8 to 10 weeks of the embryos being ready.

largest egg donor selection in mexico

We have the largest collection of egg donors, more than 200 of them, who are college educated, and very internationally diverse.

largest egg donor selection in mexico

We have the largest collection of egg donors, more than 200 of them, who are college educated, and very internationally diverse.

150+ Babies Per Year! More than every other Surrogacy Agency in Mexico Combined!

We have more babies than every other agency in Mexico combined. In 2024 we will exceed 150 babies. This means we have many happy new parents who are more than willing to talk about their experiences with Miracle Surrogacy. We are happy to connect you to former IPs who have had a baby with Miracle Surrogacy in Mexico.

150+ Babies Per Year! More than every other Surrogacy Agency in Mexico Combined!

We have more babies than every other agency in Mexico combined. In 2024 we exceeded 150 babies. This means we have many happy new parents who are more than willing to talk about their experiences with Miracle Surrogacy. We are happy to connect you to former IPs who have had a baby with Miracle Surrogacy in Mexico.



Discover the inspiring story behind Miracle Surrogacy. Join our founders, Brian and Henry, as they share their personal journey through surrogacy and the creation of Miracle Surrogacy. Learn how their experiences led to the establishment of one of the most trusted surrogacy agencies, dedicated to helping families worldwide achieve their dreams of parenthood.

Miracle Surrogacy - Where Miracles Are Delivered

© 2015-2025 – MIRACLE Surrogacy® and MIRACLE Surrogacy, LLC® and MIRACLE Surrogacy of Mexico® and MIRACLE Surrogacy of Mexico, LLC® are legal, registered and protected trademarks filed with the US Patent and Trademark Office (Registration Numbers 7275650 and 7285103, respectively). WHERE MIRACLES ARE DELIVERED™ is also a registered trademark (US Patent and Trademark Office Registration Number 7268863) and our logo is also a registered trademark (US Patent and Trademark Office Registration Number 7268996) . All rights reserved both foreign and domestic and all material and images contained on this website are copyright protected. By downloading information from our website, you agree to receive emails and/or text messages related to our programs. CLICK HERE for our Privacy Statement.